Tuesday 6 December 2011

Shirley Rees Dance

For my photography project I have chosen to document dance as it is something I am interested in and means a lot to me. From the age of seven I have been going to the Shirley Rees Dance School but just last year I stopped dancing. I am hoping to go back there in a year or so but until then doing this project is a great way to keep my connection with dance and be able to appreciate it in other ways.
These are a few of my photographs of Shirley's classes rehursing for the christmas Bumbles of Mumbles show.

Saturday 12 November 2011


These are the pictures I took for the 11.11.11 project.
Go to the facebook page 11.11 11.11.11 11.11 to find out more and see everyone else's photos.


11:11am : Eating waffles in my break. Elevenses! :
11:11pm : At a friends with a gun carved out of wood.
Of course the boys had to play with it. Boys will be boys!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Evidence of Human Presence

Ok, so it's about time I did another post but I just wasn't sure what to post up. So I decided I'd put up these two photos which I was really pleased with from my photography project from last year: Evidence of Human Presence.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

A little bit of me

I guess a good place to start is with my cat. I love cats! Although I wouldn't say I'm much of an animal person. This is my cat Misha. She is the one thing I never get tired of photographing.
She is beautiful and adorable at the same time as silly and evil! I have so many nicknames for her but the most suitable one is probably Gremlin (she's like the second stage ones - still cute but very naughty). She probably fills a good quarter of my iPhoto library (which is a lot of photos!). In other words I'm obsessed with her :)

Where to start?

Where to start? Well I'm doing this blog for my photography course for sharing my photos with the world. I may also share my textiles and media and general life. I hope that whilst doing this i may gain a new perspective on my work and life.
Unfortunately, and typically, this day is the one day I forgot to bring my memory stick to college so I can't post up any pictures right now. Oops.