Thursday, 13 October 2011

Evidence of Human Presence

Ok, so it's about time I did another post but I just wasn't sure what to post up. So I decided I'd put up these two photos which I was really pleased with from my photography project from last year: Evidence of Human Presence.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A little bit of me

I guess a good place to start is with my cat. I love cats! Although I wouldn't say I'm much of an animal person. This is my cat Misha. She is the one thing I never get tired of photographing.
She is beautiful and adorable at the same time as silly and evil! I have so many nicknames for her but the most suitable one is probably Gremlin (she's like the second stage ones - still cute but very naughty). She probably fills a good quarter of my iPhoto library (which is a lot of photos!). In other words I'm obsessed with her :)

Where to start?

Where to start? Well I'm doing this blog for my photography course for sharing my photos with the world. I may also share my textiles and media and general life. I hope that whilst doing this i may gain a new perspective on my work and life.
Unfortunately, and typically, this day is the one day I forgot to bring my memory stick to college so I can't post up any pictures right now. Oops.